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Venetian Rapier
Nicoletto Giganti's 1606 Rapier Fencing Curriculum
Item Number: FAP000001
ISBN: 978-0-9825911-2-3 Dimensions: 7" x 10" Paperback Pages: xxii + 58 pp. Published: January, 2010
* Whole number only
Perhaps no other weapon represents Renaissance Italian fencing like the rapier. But do we know how it was used and how it was taught? This book takes you to the fencing School, or Salle of celebrated renaissance rapier Master Nicoletto Giganti of Venice, one among the period teachers leaving instructions on the use of this weapon. More uniquely, his 1606 text The School, or Salle is a veritable training curriculum, with its stepwise lessons and easy-to-follow explanations on the use of the rapier alone and rapier and dagger. This faithful translation of Giganti’s The School, or Salle by internationally-known rapier teacher Tom Leoni includes the complete text, original illustrations, and an introduction on rapier fencing that will make Giganti’s text easy to follow. If you are a martial artist, a fencer, or have an interest in European martial culture, this book belongs on your shelf.
Acknowlegements Introduction Become proficient in the actions in Giganti’s lessons and you can call yourself a rapierist What we know about Giganti What we know about Gaganti’s 1606 Book Giganti’s Voice and Language, and a note on the Translation Giganti and the Italian Tradition What You need to Know to Tackle Gigante The School, or Salle, by Nicoletto Giganti of Venice, 1606 The Guards and Counter-guards Tempo and Measure How to Deliver the Thrust Why I Begin with Single Sword Guards, or Postures Explanation of the Strike in Tempo The Correct Way to Gain the Opponent’s Sword and Strike Him While He Performs a Cavazione The Correct Way to Perform a Cavazione The Contracavazione to the Inside The Contracavazione to the Outside Feints—Explanation The Feint of Cavazione From the Hand How to Strike to the Chest With Single Sword—From the Measure and Parity of Swords The Pass With Feint from Out of Measure The Pass With Feint Above the Opponent’s Point The Feint to the Face from Out of Measure The Correct Way to Deliver a Thrust While the Opponent Att acks You With a Cut The Correct Way to Deliver a Sure Strike Using Both Hands The Correct Way to Defend Against a Mandritto or a Riverso to the Leg The Inquartata or Void An Artful Way to Strike the Opponent in the Chest after Pressing Against Each other’s Blades How to Play Single Sword Against Single Sword, With Full-intent Thrusts How to Parry Thrusts to the Chest With Single Sword The Thrust to the Face, Turning the Hand Counterattack with Cavazione from out of Measure How to Use Single Sword Against Sword and Dagger How to Parry a Thrust to the Face in Sword and Dagger How to Correctly Parry a Thrust to the Left Flank How to Correctly Parry a Thrust to the Right Flank in Sword and Dagger How to Parry a Thrust to the Face in Sword and Dagger How to Parry a Cut to the Head in Sword and Dagger How to Parry a Riverso with the Dagger Thrust to the Chest in Sword and Dagger Delivering a Thrust While the Opponent Moves Thrust Above the Dagger A Deceitful Guard That Leaves the Left Side of the Body Open A Deceitful Guard That Leaves the Right Side of the Body Open A Deceitful Guard That Leaves the Chest Open The Feint of Sword and Dagger, to Strike Above the Dagger Feint of Sword and Dagger, to Strike in the Chest Feint of Sword and Dagger, to Strike to the Face With a Cavazione Over the Dagger-point How to Use the Sword to Parry a Lunging Thrust While Bringing Your Body Back How to Parry with the Dagger with Your Body Back Dagger-parry with the Body Back, with Simultaneous Sword-strike Sword-parry and Strike to the Face The Pass in Sword and Dagger, to Grapple the Opponent and Strike Him in the Face with the Dagger The Thrust to the Right Shoulder in Sword and Dagger The Pass in Sword and Dagger Glossary
A wonderful service to the community - Bill Grandy (Virginia, USA)
I just received my copy of Venetian Rapier yesterday and read it cover to cover in one sitting. Today I read it again. I've had some cobbled together translations of different sections of this work that I've used in the past, and none of those were things I could easily read. Tom's translation reads just like the book were written originally in modern English. Plus, this is one of those works that really is just very user friendly. Its much more concise than works like Fabris, and a heck of a lot easier to understand than Capoferro, and its even more pragmatic than Alfieri. While Fabris still ranks as my personal favorite, Giganti's work is a close second, thanks to how well he sums up the art in so few words. Its become ten times more enjoyable with Tom's wonderful translation. Thank you, Tom, you've done yet another wonderful service to the community!
- Bill Grandy, Director of Historical Programs, Virginia Academy of Fencing
A Must- Christopher A. Holzman (Kansas, USA)
My copy of Venetian Rapier arrived today. I haven't had the chance to read it cover to cover, but I've made fair progress on it. This is a very sharp, smart, focused book, with simple, clear instructions. This is a book clearly written more to students than instructors, and bridges the gap between Treatises like what Fabris wrote, and the more modern how-to book with a series of drills and lots of step by step, inch by inch sort of descriptions, such as Maestri Barbasetti and Gaugler have written. This is a must have for Italian rapier fencers, and frankly should be a book that all Italian fencers of later systems own as well—if for no other reason than it shines a great deal of light on where the later systems come from, and is a fantastic buy. Physically, the book is a rather nice perfect-bound paperback, with good print quality on nice paper. If you want to have any hope of claiming to be well read in Italian rapier literature, Giganti is a must.
- Christopher A. Holzman, Esq. Moniteur D’ Armes Wichita Fencing Club Wichita, KS